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Time (GMT+8) Duration Segment     
9.00 - 9.10am 10 mins Opening Address Mr Lawrence Wong, Minister for Education and Second Minister for Finance
9.10 - 9.55am 45 mins Education Keynote + Q&A

Founding Director | Innovation Labs, The Nueva School

The Hidden Magic of Design Thinking—Easier Than You Think!

Design thinking mindsets and techniques prepare our students to navigate the unknowns of the future. In this Education Keynote, Kim will show how design thinking is an important part of every discipline. By integrating it into traditional school subjects, it creates students who think nimbly, identify needs, iterate solutions and creatively address challenges with confidence.

9.55 - 10.00am 5 mins Flashtalks Featured contributors from the Call for Stories
10.00 - 10.30am 30 mins Tea Break  
10.30 - 11.15am 45 mins Industry Keynote + Q&A

Co-founder / Creative Director | Kinetic Singapore /

Creativity as a Way of Life

Creating work without an idea is a sin. But what ideas can impact Singapore and our future? In this Industry Keynote, Pann will share his addiction and passion for design, advertising and communications with examples from his work with Kinetic Singapore, Holycrap and Rubbish, his family magazine.

11.15 - 11.55am 40 mins Presentations + Q&A

Director | Rosebrook Developmental Centre

Heart of Education

What is at the heart of education? Is it the heart of the person or needs of the nation? Monica will advocate that education methodologies should guide students to be successful to the best of their abilities.

Founder and Director | Design for Change Singapore

TransforNation -
The I CAN approach

To navigate an unknown future, the young need to believe they have the skills to shape a fair and compassionate society. Madhu will highlight how teachers need to tap into their creativity and build this belief in their own capacity to drive change within education.

11.55 - 12.55pm 60 mins Lunch Break  
12.55 - 1.50pm 55 mins Presentations + Q&A

Deputy Director | Media, Arts & Design School
Singapore Polytechnic

Bridging the Disciplines -
Experiences in Transdisciplinarity

What happens when an engineering student, a business student and a media student work together? “Innovation!” says Soo Yin. She will discuss ways to impart design-led creative thinking by bringing together students from diverse disciplines.

Founder & Director | Studio Dojo, Singapore

The Future of Work -
A New Kind of Design

Design is much more than what Lady Gaga is wearing: it is about great experiences and services, organisations and conversations. Khai Seng will talk about the future of work and how it is a new type of design where design thinking merges with futures thinking, organisation development and leadership development.

CEO and Founder | Arkki International, Finland

HOT Skills - the New Keys to Future!

HOT Skills (Higher Order Thinking Skills) are the need of the day: Critical thinking, complex problem-solving and creativity enable lifelong learning. Pihla will show how an architecture and design education can help the kids of today reach their fullest potential and become the creators and innovators of tomorrow.

1.50 - 2.30pm 40 mins Panel discussion + Q&A

Role of Design in a VUCA world and how educational institutions could respond and prepare students for the future

Low Cheaw Hwei, Head of Design for Philips APAC | Chairman of Design Education Advisory Committee
Albert Lim, Director | School of Design, Nanyang Polytechnic
Nur Hidayah, Dean | Faculty of Design, Laselle College of the Arts
Michael Tan, Research Scientist | National Institute of Education

Randy Hunt, Head of Design | Grab

2.30 - 3.00pm 15 mins Short Break  
3.00 - 4.00pm 60 mins

Workshops & Webinars


The growth of digital workspaces for visual collaboration was astronomical during 2020 during the pandemic. Explore what will the role of digital "learnspaces" be when we return to in-person teaching, with Ward Bullard from MURAL.

This session is moderated by Ted Tschang from SMU.


Unleash the “I CAN” spirit in your students in this workshop with Madhu Verma and Sophie March from design for Change Singapore, as she show how to build 21st century skills and social emotional learning to nurture Superheroes!

This session is moderated by Sophie March from Design for Change Singapore.


Disruption is a norm in the VUCA world. Learn design approaches to help students navigate an uncertain future to seek opportunities from threats. Experience a slice of the anticipatory skill to prepare students for tomorrow with Hong Khai Seng, Studio Dojo, Singapore.


See the world through a creative lens! Discover how to advance visual thinking skills to spark curiosity, fun and conversation in the classroom, with Tanya Wilson from Eyeyah!

This session is moderated by Steve Lawler from Eyeyah!


How might we evoke children’s natural creativity in STEM? Get ready to use Architecture to make it STEAM, together with Pihla from Arkki (Finland) and Albert Liang from BEEP Lab!

This session is moderated by Albert Liang from BEEP Lab!


Learn fast, fail fast, and become creatively confident! Let’s build a powerful learning environment, with Soo Yin from Singapore Polytechnic.

This session is moderated by Chris Goh from Singapore Polytechnic.

4.00 - 5.00pm 60 mins Workshops & Webinars

It’s Your Turn to co-design with children to ignite their creativity, empathy and communication skills. Don’t miss the opportunity to meet Remke Klapwijk and Eveline Holla from TU Delft and their treasure bag!

This session is moderated by Michael Tan from NIE.

      *Limited seats available, participants are entitled to choose 1 option of workshop OR the webinars
5.00 - 5.15pm 15 mins Tea Break  
5.15 - 5.45pm 30 mins Sharing from Workshops and Webinars  
5.45 - 6.00pm 15 mins Closing